Women's History Month Founder Feature: Laney Crowell of Saie Beauty

We are inspired everyday by the women that surround us. March is Women’s History Month and gives us an extra opportunity to feature those special women. We are highlighting a few AMAZING female founders and today we are lucky to be talking with Laney Crowell, founder of Saie - a beauty brand that gives you toxin-free makeup that works amazing and looks just as good. 

Q: Hi Laney! We're so excited to be talking with you today. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your company Saie. 

A: I'm the Founder and CEO of Saie and a mother of 2 little girls, Isabella and Rosie. Currently we live in Sag Harbor, NY in a little beach town. Saie is a totally new kind of makeup. We are disrupting everything from packaging to ingredients, all while delivering incredible products.  

Q: What are the benefits of clean beauty products and why did you choose that route? Share a little bit about how your business came about. 

A: Saie is the marriage of my expertise from working at the biggest beauty company in the world, and my passion for feeling good. I believe that feeling good is powerful, and that's what beauty is about.

Q: March is women’s history month and our team is constantly inspired by all the boss women around us - like you! What does it mean to you to be a woman founder?

A: As a female founder, and as a mom, I have to work twice (or 10) times harder than a man. Instead of getting frustrated about it I focus on setting an example for my daughters. I work really hard, and I'm also very present for them. The balance is important and ultimately makes me better at both.

Q: Saie just launched in Sephora, congrats! What does expanding your brand mean to you and what sort of impact do you hope Saie leaves on a customer?

A: I hope that Saie inspires a deep shift in the beauty industry where brands make better choices for their consumers and the planet.

Q: Your youngest daughter is almost 7 months old! What do you hope to teach your two girls (or any young girls) about being a woman in today’s society? 

A: I hope to teach them about the magic that they bring to everything. The power of kindness and community. We are so much stronger together.

Q: We know the clean beauty industry is currently booming, tell us a little about what factors are important in helping Saie to stand out.

A: Everyone loves our product because it's makeup that's better than makeup. It's your skincare, lashcare, browcare, and lipcare, and the look is so chic.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about what is next for Saie?

A: We have so many incredible new products coming out, but stay tuned for our most requested launch on 3/23. 

Follow along with Laney and Saie




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